This is a video to help teachers and family members help neurodivergent children or adolescents manage work periods, homework time, and projects more easily by breaking down tasks. We make a lot of assumptions as adults about what kids should know and/or be capable of, and then we’re disappointed when they don’t do what we want. Well, I live by the Dr. Ross Greene philosophy: Kids do well if they can. Maybe they can’t do what is being asked - yet. Maybe we haven’t yet taught them how to do it - and given them time to practice and deeply learn what we’re expecting them to do.

The chunk and check-in can be easily adapted for any age and work readiness level. It’s a great way to gradually increase what a child can do without direct support, while still offering encouragement and clarification during the check-in phase. When used together with making a project plan, it can help teach how to approach tasks and do a little each day, thinking through the entire task and the time each step may take. I hope this is helpful.

(Closed captions are available!)


Authentic #ActuallyAutistic Representation in Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood


VIDEO BLOG: Conversations with Kara Episode 2